Tag Archives: goatskins

Toldot – Generations

Torah Portion: Genesis 25:19 through Genesis 28:9
Haftarah: Malachi 1:1-2:7
New Testament: Mat 25:31-46, James 3:6

Meeting of Isaac and Rebecca, by Friedrich Bouterwek (1841) - Rebekah will fall off that camel any minute!
Meeting of Isaac and Rebecca, by Friedrich Bouterwek (1841) – Rebekah will fall off that camel any minute!

We ended last week with a glorious love story. Abraham’s servant found the perfect bride for Isaac and she readily agreed to “come out from among them and be ye separate.”  (2 Co 6:17)  Rebekah fell off her camel when she caught sight of her betrothed and, as soon as the bride made herself ready, the captivated Isaac ushered the beautiful virgin into Sarah’s tent and made her his wife.  It was then that he loved her and was comforted after Sarah’s death.  However, it soon became clear that, like Abraham and Sarah, the couple would struggle with infertility. Continue reading Toldot – Generations